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Transforming Safety Tech Innovation in the Construction Industry


The Importance of NRIS

Transforming Safety Tech Innovation in the Construction Industry


In this guest blog, Navatech Group’s CEO and Co-founder, Prakash Senghani, shares his vision for how the Network for Regulatory Innovation in SafetyTech (NRIS) could reshape safety practices in the construction sector. Prakash discusses the potential for NRIS to bridge regulatory gaps, enabling collaboration among tech innovators, industry leaders, and regulators to drive safer, more advanced workplaces.


“At Navatech Group, we believe the Network for Regulatory Innovation in SafetyTech (NRIS) represents a critical shift towards a collaborative regulatory environment. By bridging gaps between technology innovators, industry leaders, and regulators, NRIS can accelerate the adoption of life-saving technologies and set new standards for workplace safety in construction.” – Prakash Senghani, CEO and Co-founder, Navatech Group





The construction and heavy civil sectors are often viewed as traditional, with regulatory challenges sometimes slowing the adoption of cutting-edge technology. However, setting up a Network for Regulatory Innovation in Safetytech would change that.

As a technology company committed to advancing safety innovation, Navatech Group sees NRIS as a critical initiative that could help reshape the future of workplace safety. Our participation in the recent workshop has only reinforced our belief in the importance of this network, and we are excited to contribute to its development.


A Workshop Filled with Insight and Collaboration

Participating in the NRIS workshop was an inspiring experience. The event brought together a diverse group of industry leaders, technology innovators, and regulatory bodies, all eager to explore how we can overcome regulatory barriers to accelerate the adoption of safety technologies. It was especially encouraging to see the openness from regulators like the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), who expressed a willingness to shift from a purely enforcement role to one that fosters innovation.

The discussions around aligning industry needs with emerging technologies, such as AI, robotics, and data analytics, were a key highlight for us. From a tech company’s perspective, it’s often the regulatory hurdles that slow down the deployment of potentially life-saving technologies. NRIS would offer a platform for these barriers to be addressed collaboratively, creating a bridge between regulatory bodies, the tech sector, and industries that stand to benefit from innovation.


Why a Network for Regulatory Innovation in Safety Tech is Crucial

In industries like construction, safety is a top priority, but it’s clear that the current regulatory frameworks were not built with the pace of today’s technological advancements in mind. AI, wearable tech, and smart devices have the potential to dramatically reduce accidents, but without regulatory frameworks that support these innovations, their adoption will remain limited.

That’s why NRIS is so important. It represents a move toward an ecosystem where regulators and technology providers collaborate to create safety standards that not only protect workers but also encourage innovation. A collaborative network like this can create a flexible regulatory environment that allows for early-stage technologies to be tested, refined, and implemented without the traditional constraints.


What We Hope to Gain from NRIS

At Navatech Group, our goal is to see how we can leverage NRIS to drive real-world impact. We see the network as a platform that can:

  • Foster Cross-Sector Collaboration: One of the most exciting aspects of NRIS is its potential to bring together stakeholders from different sectors. We believe that by collaborating with other tech companies, contractors, and regulators, we can create more comprehensive solutions that address safety challenges in ways that have never been done before.
  • Speed Up Tech Adoption: As tech innovators, we often encounter resistance from companies that are hesitant to adopt new technology due to regulatory uncertainty. NRIS can provide the clarity and guidelines needed for smoother, faster adoption of cutting-edge safety solutions.
  • Influence Regulatory Frameworks: The workshop made it clear that NRIS has the potential to not only align industry needs with tech but also to shape the way regulations are written and enforced. By actively participating in such a network, we hope to help influence the creation of standards that are flexible, forward-thinking, and innovation-friendly.


The Broader Benefits of NRIS for the Industry

The construction and heavy civil sectors are some of the most dangerous industries to work in. In 2021/22 alone, over 38,000 serious accidents were reported in construction, costing the industry hundreds of millions of pounds. The integration of advanced safety technologies, supported by a network like NRIS, could significantly reduce these numbers by creating safer environments for workers.

The benefits of NRIS go beyond just the immediate reduction of workplace injuries. By fostering an innovation-friendly regulatory landscape, NRIS can:

  • Increase Industry Competitiveness: Companies that are quick to adopt advanced safety technologies will find themselves at a competitive advantage. Not only will they be able to offer safer work environments, but they will also be able to operate more efficiently, reducing downtime and costs associated with accidents.
  • Drive Innovation at Scale: Smaller tech companies often struggle with scaling their innovations due to regulatory constraints. NRIS could help level the playing field by providing clear pathways for new technologies to be tested and adopted, enabling startups and established tech firms alike to bring their solutions to market faster.
  • Create Long-Term Partnerships: One of the lasting impacts of NRIS will likely be the relationships it fosters between technology providers, construction companies, and regulators. These partnerships will be essential for the ongoing development of safety technologies that keep pace with the evolving needs of the industry.


Looking Ahead A Collaborative Future

If NRIS sees the light in the next few months, we are optimistic about the long-term impact this network can have on both the construction industry and the broader landscape of safety innovation. The strong foundation laid during the discovery phase, combined with the overwhelming support from stakeholders, positions NRIS to drive meaningful, lasting change.

At Navatech Group, we are committed to playing an active role in this journey. We believe that by working closely with other industry leaders and regulatory bodies, we can help create a

future where technology and regulation go hand-in-hand to make workplaces safer, more efficient, and more resilient.

Let’s build a safer tomorrow—together.