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Webinar replay: Could technology innovation help address the problem of cargo fires?


Watch our recorded webinar where we discussed challenges around maritime cargo fire and loss, and how innovation may contribute to solving some of these problems.

Despite improvements in the design of modern cargo vessels and the implementation of new statutory instruments to ensure safe operations, the consequences of onboard cargo fires and any associated loss is growing. Over recent years we have witnessed increasing fleet investments in larger and more technologically advanced vessels, particularly in the container segment. At the same time, we have seen the continuing consequences of cargo non-declaration / mis-declaration and the emerging impact of high-risk cargoes such as lithium-ion batteries behind the growing number of cargo fires.

In this webinar we introduced our Cargo Fire and Loss Innovation Initiative, joined by some of the key industry players who are involved in this programme. The initiative will see Safetytech Accelerator and partners address challenges through a combination of thought leadership, road-mapping and scouting of technologies, to identify high potential, practical technologies that can mitigate the impact of maritime fire and loss.

This collaborative technology acceleration programme will address the key challenges in preventing large scale cargo fires and cargo loss, both of which heavily impact investor relationships, client reputation, regulator and insurer relationships and most significantly the overall perception of the maritime supply chain.

Watch the webinar to find out more – fill in the form below.


Aslak Ross – Head of Maritime Standards and Designated Person Ashore, Maersk

Captain YS Hwang – Head of Operations Department and Deputy Senior Vice President, Evergreen Lines

Captain Ortwin Muehr – Head of Nautical Department, CPO Containerschiffreederei – Offen Group

Peregrine Storrs-Fox – Risk Management Director, TT-Club

Nick Gross – Global Containerships Segment Director, Lloyd’s Register

Moderated by Rich McLoughlin – Head of Maritime Engagement, Safetytech Accelerator


Peregrine Storrs-Fox, Risk Management Director, TT Club

Peregrine read Law at Southampton University, specialising in the law of carriage and international trade. He has been with the TT Club since 1984, initially handling claims and providing advice, eventually culminating in directing claims operations worldwide for TT. Since 2002, Peregrine has led the TT’s loss prevention services. This has included the development of the CTU Code and the passage of the container loss debate at IMO leading to the revision to SOLAS requiring verified gross mass. Peregrine has led TT’s sustained campaigns dedicated to issues such as: inaccurate gross mass information; poor packing of cargo transport units; and misdeclaration of Dangerous Goods. He currently leads TT’s participation in the Cargo Integrity Group, urging all actors to commit to improving safety and security standards in all aspects of cargo packing.

Nick Gross, Global Containerships Segment Director, Lloyd’s Register

With a professional background in the military, Nick went on to manage service networks, deployment strategy and other business streams within container shipping. He has held positions at JP Morgan Asset Management and X-press Feeders in Dubai, Singapore and most recently Hamburg, before joining Lloyd’s Register in the UK.

As Global Container Ship Segment Director, Nick has worked alongside Lloyd’s Register’s various subject matter experts to support the full spectrum of stakeholders, with particular focus on energy transition, digital solutions, efficiency and safety of operations. It is in this capacity that Nick is Chair of Safetytech Accelerator’s Cargo Fire and Loss Innovation Initiative – a collaborative technology acceleration programme to address industry safety and risk.

Rich McLoughlin, Head of Maritime Engagement, Safetytech Accelerator

As a marine professional for 22 years, Rich has contributed through the work of Lloyd’s Register to the compliance, assurance and performance of marine assets and, from commercial and strategic perspectives, provided focus on specific market segments and product offers. He is currently the Head of Maritime Engagement for the Safetytech Accelerator with the objective to encourage wider adoption of technologies to improve safety and risk performance in maritime.

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