Industrial Safetytech Regulatory Sandbox
The world’s first regulatory sandbox for industrial safetytech.

Improving safety and risk management
Safetytech Accelerator and Discovering Safety, a groundbreaking project delivered by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), worked with partners in industry and technology to explore opportunities to improve safety and risk management through innovation and regulation.
Read about the companies who took part
Shaping the world’s first Industrial Safetytech Regulatory Sandbox
Are we truly prepared to take advantage of innovative technologies within industrial safety tech? And what if technology is unearthing complex safety and ethical concerns that need to be solved before it can be adopted at scale? To answer these questions requires a closer collaboration between tech – the people building innovations, industry – the people buying the tech and regulators.
The regulatory sandbox is a framework for these stakeholders to start working together more closely to address these challenges.
Read the article here
Exploring opportunities to improve workplace health and safety
Six technology companies with high-potential safetytech products have now been recruited to the sandbox. It will focus initially on innovation around significant areas of risk in construction, including falls from height, vehicle collisions, crane operations and manual handling.
The Industrial Safetytech Regulatory Sandbox is for UK-based companies with market-ready or pilot-ready technology products that could improve safety and risk management in construction.
Applications to this sandbox have now closed. However companies are invited to use the form at the bottom of this page to submit information about their safetytech products for this and other opportunities for collaboration.
Not UK-based? Submit your details in the form below and we will keep you on record for future projects.