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Waypoint winner Alicia Bots signs collaboration with Lomar


Alicia Bots, Inc. has secured a commercial collaboration with leading shipping company Lomar to support its biofouling control practices and increase fuel efficiency.

Alicia Bots, Inc. was one of the three winners of the 3rd edition of Waypoint, providing a highly innovative autonomous robotic solution for hull cleaning,  even while ships are in motion.

As part on the programme Alicia Bots interacted with a number of highly experienced maritime mentors who helped refine their value proposition, and was introduced to a range of potential new clients,  including from lomarlabs.  This resulted in a pilot with Cargill,  delivering excellent results,  as well as various other live opportunities with clients.

Dr. Maurizio Pilu, founder and Managing Director of Safetytech Tech Accelerator, had this to say:

“Our Waypoint Accelerator Program acts as a bridge between maritime organizations and the technology ecosystem, facilitating the efficient evaluation of innovative technologies to address their key operational goals and challenges.

“I am really delighted that Lomar has decided to partner with Alicia Bots and the role that Waypoint has played in making this happen and I wish the collaboration every success.   It is also another proof point of how these technologies are very much ready for prime time!”

Read more about the announcement on lomarlabs site here.

Safetytech Accelerator has recently announced the 5th edition of Waypoint focussed on AI. Please find out more here.