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Webinar replay: How can tech improve nearshore operations and make ports safer?


Watch this webinar where we brought together cutting edge tech startups to discuss how their technology can help solve some of our most pressing nearshore challenges. 

At Safetytech Accelerator we’re particularly interested in how technology can help solve maritime challenges, and our latest acceleration programme Waypoint 4: Nearshore explored technologies which could contribute in the area. We can now present the 3 companies we selected for the programme.

Nearshore environments have a unique interplay between efficiency and risk, therefore solutions that improve operations nearshore are deemed to yield some of the highest ROIs in the maritime sector.

Ships spend about 60% of their time in a nearshore environment, so it is not surprising that 75% of marine accidents happen in these high traffic areas – with about $1.6B lost in recent years.

Watch this webinar to find out more about how technology can help: This webinar would be of interest to shipping companies and port operators interested in exploring technologies which could make their nearshore operations safer. It would also be interesting to tech companies looking to move into the maritime market.


  • Opening by Nadia Echchihab, Head of Innovation Programmes
  • Making nearshore operations safer – the opportunities for tech by Rich McLoughlin, Head of Maritime Engagement, Safetytech Accelerator
  • AI for faster turnaround times – Karno Tenovuo, CEO at Awake.AI
  • Intelligent alerts in nearshore settings – Anders Schening, CEO at LifeFinder
  • Safer navigation with AI – Kyongsoo Noh, COO at Seadronix
  • Closing by Nadia Echchihab

Find out more about the tech companies 

Awake.AI based in Finland, has an AI-driven Smart Port and Shipping Platform developed to bring together all maritime actors at sea, ports and land. They make port operations more efficient, safe and sustainable. For terminal operators they optimise port calls with AI insights, for port authorities they maximise the use of existing port capacity, for ship operators they enable just-in-time arrival and faster turnaround times and for cargo owners they bring full transparency to cargo flow in sea-port-land.

LifeFinder based in Sweden has an intelligent alert system which enables life-saving solutions that integrate seamlessly into workers’ everyday safety routines. By proactively detecting and alerting to danger and life-threatening situations, further injuries and potential death can be avoided even in the most remote and hazardous locations.

Seadronix from South Korea innovates in the areas of marine navigation with state-of-the-art AI technology. They develop an intelligent alert system which enables life-saving solutions that integrate seamlessly into workers’ everyday safety routines. By proactively detecting and alerting to danger and life-threatening situations especially in complex ports and narrow channels. Seadronix’s ship navigation assistance and port monitoring system provides real-time 360-views as well as situational information on surrounding environments eliminating blind spots of a ship.

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Are you interested in running a pilot with one of these technologies, please get in touch! 

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